C Hello World

Steps Example
1. Create a file with the .c extension using vi.
$ vi hello_world.c
2. Insert hello world code into the file.
int main(void){
 printf("Hello World!\n");
 return 0;
3. Compile the program via the make command. Note that the hello_world.c file must exist in the directory for this step to work.
$ make hello_world
4. Run the compiled C file created in the last step. If done correctly, "Hello World!" should be output to the terminal screen.
$ ./hello_world


C++ Hello World

Steps Example
1. Create a file with the .cpp extension using vi.
$ vi hello_world.cpp
2. Insert hello world code into the file.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
  cout << "Hello World!" << endl;
    return 0;
3. Compile the program via the g++ command. This will create the a.out file for execution.
$ g++ hello_world.cpp
4. Run the compiled C++ file created in the last step. If done correctly, "Hello World!" should be output to the terminal screen.
$ ./a.out


Python Hello World

Steps Example
1. Create a file with the .py extension using vi.
$ vi hello_world.py
2. Insert hello world code into the file.
print("Hello World!")
3. Execute the program using the python command.
$ python hello_world.py


Java Hello World

Steps Example
1. Create a file with the .java extension using vi.
$ vi HelloWorld.java
2. Insert hello world code into the file.
public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello, World!");
3. Compile the program with the javac command
$ javac HelloWorld.java
4. Execute the program with the java command. The output will be printed to the terminal screen.
$ java HelloWorld